Can drone delivery finally become mainstream in 2024?


Easetrack will take everyone to get to know delivery drones that are becoming a hot technology in the logistics industry. Many companies have started testing and using drones to deliver goods. It is expected to increase efficiency, convenience, speed and reduce costs.



“The Rise of Drone Delivery: Transforming the Transportation Industry in 2024”


Amidst rapid technological advancements, businesses are witnessing a paradigm shift in their operations and strategies. Transportation and delivery are no exception. Drones are making their way into the logistics industry, emerging as a game-changer for local and global deliveries. The use of drones for transportation is gaining significant traction and capturing the attention of businesses and consumers worldwide.


Will 2024 be the year of drone delivery? This question is at the forefront of the logistics and shipping industry. Drones have the potential to revolutionize the delivery landscape by reducing time and costs, which has attracted major and minor companies worldwide.


However, the question remains: is 2024 the optimal year for drone delivery to take off? This article explores the feasibility of drone delivery in 2024, analyzing potential challenges and what businesses need to be prepared for to effectively adapt to this trend.


“Convenience is one of the key selling points for technology products and services,” says Dr. Paul Marsden, a psychologist specializing in consumer behavior and a member of the British Psychological Society (BPS).


“Some business reports suggest that people are willing to pay 10% more or even higher for the convenience of not having to put in much effort.”


Will our love for convenience continue to fuel the growth of this service?


It has begun slowly.


The technology of using drones to deliver goods has taken off slowly since owner Jeff Bezos first introduced the idea in 2013. At the time,’s founder and CEO This Amazon has unveiled its Octocopter drone at the company’s global headquarters. In a television interview, he said he thinks drone delivery will become widespread within the “next four or five years.” But a decade on, the service is considered possible but still far from possible. Widely popular


According to McKinsey & Company, a management consulting firm, there are more than 10 major operators of cargo drones worldwide and some 874,000 commercial shipments will be delivered in 2022. From such information That means An estimated 2,395 drone deliveries were made worldwide per day, while 273 million ground parcels were shipped every day in 2020.



What are the factors that are slowing down the popularity of cargo drones?


The first is that developing autonomous systems to enable drones to fly efficiently and safely is expensive.

Another important obstacle is The need to comply with strict rules and regulations set by aviation authorities.

Public acceptance also plays a role, with privacy and security concerns driving anti-drone campaigns. Research also shows that people who do not shop online They often reject the use of drones more.

“It’s part of human nature to be curious about new ideas,” Dr Marsden said.

“In the Victorian era There is also a moral and medical panic about cycling that it will make you sick. and makes women unable to have children.”

“When the first mirror was created People say narcissism is on the rise, and now you have social media mimicking the mirror effect.”

He believes that what worries people the most is the use of drone delivery services. It will cause more reliance on automation. and causing more machines to replace people with work

“Drones are being introduced at a time when there is a backlash against the overuse of technology in our lives. Especially among certain groups of people.”



Is it a threat to wildlife?

For this question If you look at them with fear “Techno-Dystopia” or people who view technology as the villain It might be possible.

“For example, Although the sound of the drone is no louder than normal traffic, But studies show that the buzzing sound is particularly annoying,” Dr Marsden explains.

“If the buzzing sound of mosquitoes keeps you up all night, Just think about how the sound of an army of drones will affect your sleep.”

Meanwhile, all the major carriers are working to reduce the volume of their devices.

Even though drones have proven that Can help reduce the release of carbon compounds into nature. Compared to transporting by truck But regarding the impact on wildlife, there are not many studies.

Two years ago, Wing, a subsidiary of Google parent Alphabet, had to suspend deliveries to the Australian suburb of Canberra on the advice of bird experts hired by the company. A nesting crow hovered over a drone while delivering coffee.



Deliver items to save lives

However, this innovation isn’t just used for shopping.

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 18 countries have developed drone delivery during the COVID-19 outbreak. The deliveries include medical samples, medicines and medical supplies. and items needed for daily living, etc., to be delivered to various hospitals and homes during the lockdown period

Back in 2019, a drone was also used to deliver a donated kidney to a patient in the United States for the first time.

Rwanda is a country full of thousands of hills and winding roads. It was also the first place in the world to accept commercial delivery by drone, with the company Zipline flying blood deliveries there in 2016.

The company announced last year that Their drones will deliver goods in remote and rural areas in Ghana. This provides access to places where traditional delivery services are facing challenges.



NASA and drones

McKinsey data shows that commercial drone deliveries are growing. By the end of December, more than 1 million packages will be delivered by drone this year, marking another record-breaking year.

This growth depends on “There are many new applications that enable the delivery of food, medicine and other goods to consumers around the world.”


Amazon announced in October that it would launch delivery drones in Italy. United Kingdom and third in the United States (after California and Texas) in late 2024.

Zipline is planning to take it a step further by using unobserved drones on the ground. throughout the delivery route

Meanwhile NASA is working with two companies, Elroy Air and Reliable Robotics, to develop a prototype for Advanced Air Mobility.

The project aims to enable small parcel delivery drones and large cargo aircraft to work together. To provide a method for moving parcels “Faster and more neat”


Things to learn about delivery drones

So how should we prepare to deal with more delivery drones?

Dr. Marsden recommends that we educate ourselves.

“I think it is important that we remove the false advertising. and learn more about technology in order to make decisions based on evidence Whether we use it or not.”

“When you buy a product You are interacting with other people, which has been proven. It relieves loneliness and improves mental health.”

“Looking around in the shops or trying on different things in the mall is a treat. It takes you out of your daily routine. And it makes you focus on yourself.”

“But when you have delivery drones The psychology of such purchases will be ineffective.”

“however If you look at the other side You save time traveling to buy things. and can spend more time with friends, family, or doing hobbies.”

“When technology reduces the time and effort required to get what we want. We are easily attracted to them. That is human nature.”




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