Understanding the Importance of a Time Attendance System


Time Attendance System has a direct impact on salary and is important for employees. Proper management of working hours is indispensable to managing employees. If time management is neglected, it can have a significant negative impact on the company.


How do you start managing your time at work?

Time management management is a company’s understanding. and managing the time management status of employees correctly

Specifically, this means recording the start time. and end of working time, breaks, overtime work number of holidays, etc., so that the company can access the working status of employees

Why is time management necessary?

Why is it necessary for companies to manage their employees’ time?

The first is to provide appropriate pay to employees. What is the basis for calculating an employee’s salary? That is the number of working hours. And this is because unpaid wages and similar things happen. And it is impossible to pay employees correctly if hours are not managed properly.


1. Management of working hours and items that should be managed

In order to manage time correctly It is necessary to know what types of items need to be handled. Especially the items that are important to time management as follows:

– Work start and end times
– Number of working hours
– break time
– Overtime hours
– Number of hours worked at night
– Number of hours worked on holidays
– Number of days worked
– Number of days absent from work
– Holiday pay
– number of holidays worked
– Number of times and hours of being late
– number of days remaining to pay or remaining days

Accurately managing the number of hours worked allows employees to be paid accurate salaries and overtime. This leads to prevention of excessively long working hours and more efficient ways of working.


2. Negative effects of neglecting time management

If the company neglects working time management Possible negative effects are as follows:

2.1 Incorrect payment
If a company cannot accurately understand the number of hours an employee works, will not be able to pay salary to match the number of hours worked This will cause employees to be dissatisfied and may cause labor relations problems.

2.2 Violation of labor protection laws
Companies that cannot legally pay salaries There may be a risk of violating labor protection laws, such as not paying the correct salary. It may lead to imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or a fine not exceeding 100,000 baht, or both.

2.3 Increasing employee inaccuracy
If employees’ working hours are not understood correctly, There may be falsification of entry or exit times in order to gain overtime pay. Or the company may be forced to pay salary and overtime to employees who are not actually working. Such inappropriate behavior can escalate and may lead to the resignation of employees who are serious about their work.


3. Time management methods

Managing time management using self-reports

This method uses a self-reporting system. In which employees will record their working hours by themselves. and the company will check the information later. There are no additional costs. But this method makes it difficult to verify the accuracy of the actual number of hours an employee reports working.

Time management using time cards

Time cards are a commonly used method of recording time. The employee will place the card into the time recorder to record working hours. The advantage is that it doesn’t cost much and is easy to use. But it takes time to collect time cards and verify information. Especially in companies with many employees.

Time management using Excel

Using Excel for time management has the advantage of being able to calculate working hours and overtime automatically. Employees simply enter their work start and end times. The data is stored digitally, however, calculation errors may occur leading to incorrect salary payments. And it takes time to check the accuracy of the information entered.

Managing time using a time management system

The attendance management system helps to record and manage employee information using IC cards, fingerprint recognition, smartphones, and tablets. The attendance information is automatically collected. There is no need to collect time cards one by one. Because the information can be confirmed in real time. Makes the management of employee attendance information more accurate and timely.


4. Latest time management system is a management system using the cloud as the main management system

Cloud-based working time management systems: advances and advantages in use

Recently, cloud-based work time management systems have become mainstream. One of the main features of a time management system is the flexibility to choose the clocking method according to the work situation.

How to clock in using a cloud management system

Tablet clock
On construction sites where it may be difficult to install a time recorder You can use a tablet to clock in instead.

Smartphone clock
Clocking in to start and end working hours can be done anywhere, for example in a sales position that has to go home directly. Companies can also know the clocking location through the GPS function for accurate time management.

Clock IC
No need to prepare a new time card every day. and can collect data in real time Helps reduce data management time

Clock with fingerprint recognition
Prevent incorrect clocking using a fingerprint authenticator connected to the system.

Face recognition clocking
Prevent clocking in by someone else by using facial recognition through the terminal’s camera.


5 advantages of a working time management system

1. Ability to choose the appropriate clocking method.
You can choose the clocking method that suits your work situation. To reduce errors and improper clocking

2. Understanding real-time attendance
The responsible person can know the time of attendance and departure of employees in real time. Prevents time consuming and improper distribution of personnel.

3. Reducing labor management costs
Collecting attendance data can be automated. Reduce time and effort when managing timecards and calculating payroll.

4. Improving work efficiency
There is a real-time working time management function. and leave management functions that can collect information Leads to more efficient work performance

5. Support amending the law
Cloud time management systems can be updated and changed according to legislative amendments. Reduce the risk of violating the law


Use that is appropriate to the company’s operating guidelines.

Correct working time management ensures employees receive the correct salary. Work efficiency can also be boosted using attendance data, for example by solving future personnel shortages.

Working time management is the foundation of labor management. Introducing the system is the first step in working time management. Let’s start by finding the right time management system for your work.


Source: hrnotev


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